Why go to a fortune teller or scan the papers for your daily predictions when Kingfisher’s very own numerology expert can reveal your futurein just a click through its newest campaign-‘Beerology’.
Over the last few years, beerheads in the country have bid adieu to the year that was with Brewdolph by their side. Brewdolph, the Good Times mascot of the festive season, has answered pleas for beer, been privy to several confessions (some nice, most naughty) on WhatsApp and has been present – in spirit – at several editions of #KFBeerUp.This year, the ‘King of Good Times’has infused the magical elixir of Kingfisher beer into the age old practice of numerology; convincing consumers to read their smart phones rather than palms by bringing to life Beerology.
Brewdolph now has an accomplice in the inimitable Cyrus Broacha – a master in the art of Beerology and in spreading beerfulness to all beerheads. Nothing escapes his eye, he see’s all , knows all; whether you partied hard or angered the beer Gods, Cyrusknows your past and can see your future. He is your modern day fortune teller, numerologist and the funky jester to the King of Good Times!
How does he know the past? By gazing at his crystal ball of social media! The millions of fans on Kingfisher’s Facebookpage visited the magical microsite of Beerology, where Cyrus interacted with them; analysing statuses,profile pictures,friends list to determine whether theylive lifedownsized or the Kingfisher way – “King sized”.The experience ends with a humorous segment, where the user’s date of birth is added up to a single number which is associated with certain personality traits; each trait given a beery spin!
Kingfisher’s Beerology campaign has had consumers laughing at the supposed divination of their Facebook posts, photos and tweets, asCyrus Broacha dispensed the philosophies of Good times to celebrate each day King sized.
Visit the webpage http://kingfisherworld.com/beerology/ to find your lucky Beerology number.