A search for ‘Meri Maggi’ on Google displays eight potential new flavours for users. The new product-line comes with names that are intrinsically Indian; Amritsari Achari, Bengali Jhaal, Gujarati Khaman, Kashmiri Dum, Kochi Malabari, Mumbai Chatak to name a few. Of these, the user has to accurately guess the four flavours that Maggi will end up launching. Users could vote every day till midnight on Friday, April 21st. Post voting, the user was diverted to the Paytm Maggi page for registration https://paytm.com/maggi and could avail a Maggi Goodie bag.
Tanmay Mohanty, Group CEO, Zenith India says, “Zenith develops brand experiences that maximise the value of the opportunity and builds rewarding relationships with valuable customers. This is an innovative campaign in which search has been transformed into a unique ‘Voting Engine’ and this initiative only harnesses the passion of Maggi loyalists. The preview on the new flavours adds to the buzz and anticipation among Indian consumers. Over the past 33 years, Maggi has become one of the most trusted brands in India. It has done this by keeping up with the changing Indian palette. ‘Maggi Masalas of India’ is a step in the same direction and we are pleased to engage with them on the same.”
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