
Want to build an independent media not answerable to anyone: Arnab Goswami talks to Anurag Batra at EEMAX 2016

A truly legendary and equally audacious journalist who singlehandedly changed the face of Indian journalism, Arnab asserted in his signature unwavering voice, "If you are a journalist in a city like Delhi, you will either end up leaving the profession or go crazy. I choose the latter."

Talking about his advent into journalism and the push backs he encountered he said, “I have brought my profession to a very fundamental premise- to always choose right between right and wrong when facts are staring you in the face."

His vision of India's future is a promising one, he expressed, “I think this country is going to change and I have a dream to build an independent media not answerable to anyone. Digital in form and directly connected to the audience, there would be no reliance on anyone’s money."

His advice for seekers and dreamers is to always accept faults, discard the ego, never compromise on ethics, and build meaningful long term partnerships.

It takes serious amount of courage to be Arnab Goswami. Behind what seems engrossing is a lot of heart, a lot of feeling, a lot of nationalism, and risk! Watch him get candid in conversation with fellow journalist, Anurag Batra, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, BW Businessworld and exchange4media.

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