The Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) has launched an online platform called ‘TAAI Connect' for its members. TAAI Connect supports its member agencies to encounter the fast evolving and challenging market scenario.
Speaking about the features of TAAI Connect, Sunil Kumar, President TAAI said, “Our TAAI tenet on TAAI connect is clear. Digital empowerment will better qualify our stakeholders to dominate market places. The real challenge right now is to retain your existing customer; than open your agency for new customers. Agencies are consistently losing out their old customers and their newer generations.
Something had to be done – on an urgent basis. Thus came in TAAI connect, to bring in a revolution in the thought process. This vision brought us to interact with technology developers and we now have someone who understood our initiative and ready to evolve and design to customize TAAI Connect.”
Elaborating how TAAI Connect will ensure inclusive growth for the TAAI members across the country, Kumar added, “The small agency in small or remote part of India can have the same capabilities of a large agency in the most advanced part of the world. Air Tickets or Hotels, as a product being the same, no matter from whom it is sourced out, what matters is the immediate connect; convenience; choice and cost to a traveller.”