Select CITYWALK as part of its Select CITYART initiatives brings art to public domain: “Back to Life” A life Size Dinosaur Art Installation made completely out of recyclable Egg Trays. With this Installation conceptualized by Ankiit Malhotra of CommeSogno Vero and executed by Artist AnantMisra, the idea of the entire concept is to bring out the limitless creativity.
The Installation is a recollection of the fact that if not dealt right, the Earth (Mother Nature) will soon ensure slow disappearance of the human race exactly how the dinosaurs went extinct with the changing ecosystem. Many of us speak about recycling waste, but a very few of us follow!
With this installation, the artist displays the fact that if the resources are not used judiciously and the ones used resources are not recycled, human race just like the giant creatures would soon head to Mayday and run the risk of extinction, sooner than later.
Also, the artist is appreciative of the fact with this life size installation, that if a living being as massive as the dinosaur can get extinct with the changing ecosystem, then the day is not far when mankind should expect a similar fate! Let’s all pledge for a better and brighter future for all and work towards a new way of life which runs on RRR(Reduce, Reuse and recycle).