Fashion social network Roposo has launched a style check-in feature which allows users to update their location along with their fashion posts. This feature enables others to see what is trending at stylish places across the country and who’s wearing what at the most glitzy parties and events. As users can also tag the places from which they’ve bought a certain item of clothing, others can discover the best markets and brands to shop from. With style check-in, Roposo aspires to connect India with the love of fashion. Actress Sonakshi Sinha has already used style check-in, becoming the first celebrity to add a location to her posts.
Roposo co-founder, Avinash Saxena said, “Style check-in from Roposo is set to change the way Indians shop and discover fashion. This is the first product in the country to connect style with location. There are certain cities in India where trends catch on the fastest. Those in other geographies can now stay abreast with the most fashion-forward choices that others in India are making with style check-in. Since users can also add location to snaps of things they buy at certain markets, style check-in will fuel online discovery of offline sales. The feature is sure to revolutionise how India gets its dose of style inspiration.”
Style check-in is also expected to have an impact on the Indian fashion business at large. Fashion production houses till now did not know which styles to produce for which city and had to rely on local sales. This meant the industry could not forecast demand for styles. However, now that they have access to real time photos of what people are wearing by location, businesses stand to benefit as they can spot which trends are making waves where.
For the style check-in feature, Roposo will use either the device GPS to add the location tag to a story or search for a pre-existing location. Users will also be able to see all the photo posts which are near their location. All levels of geography, from streets, malls, cities to countries can be used to check in and custom locations can be added wherever necessary. Check-ins can be edited and location can also be added to old posts on Roposo.