Event Industry Leaders urge Govt. to address key issues facing the sector

The Event industry has  often been called the cliched ‘step child’ in the way it has been dealt with by the Government. Despite being a major contributor to the economy, it is not included in the direct ambit of any ministry.

Representatives of the event and entertainment industry recently reached out to the Information and Broadcasting Ministry to put forward the concerns of the industry. The deliberation was led by Sanjoy K Roy, Managing Director, Teamwork Arts and Sabbas Joseph, Co Founder & Director, Wizcraft International. 

The event industry has been reeling under massive losses and job cuts and some  of the issues raised at the meeting included:

  1. Abundance of rules and anomalies thereof

  2. Need for a one window clearance system

  3. Insecurity from investors both FDI and internal because of:
    a. Multiplicity of permissions across states and cities
    b. Last minute withdrawal of permissions leading to huge losses for businesses and investors
    c. No real understanding of which ministry we come under and therefore what rules/ ordinances apply
    d. Absence of Insurance and other mitigating factors.

  4. To develop the sector we require:
    a. Better infrastructure to host major events outside of stadiums and large open grounds which have no facilities
    b. Rationalisation of GST
    c. Incentivise advertisers who wish to support online events.
    d. One window clearances and permissions
    e. Rationalise tenders
    f. Improve education facilities for the sector

The Additional Secretary and his colleagues underscored the need to help the sector and said that they would look into key issues that were raised. They also requested interference by FICCI on the matter.

The event industry is looking at a time-bound solution to the crisis that it is facing. The industry has also prepared a detailed set of SOPs for restarting safe events. As a result, the government had allowed events of up to 100 people to take from September 21.

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