Dravidam Bangalore Presents Ehxibition ‘Treasury of Tranquility'

Dravidiam Bangalore presents the exhibition ‘Treasury of Tranquility” by the aertist Suresh Pushpangthan at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi. The exhibition will be started from 10th of February 2033 and will continue to 13th of February 2023.
Artist Suresh Pushpangthan’s early childhood, spent wandering in the lush tropical foliage of Varkala in Kerala, had a lasting impact on his work as an artist and this is a memory that he constantly revisits in his evocative work especially relevant to the present day scenario of a world of fast disappearing flora and fauna. The son of a traditional sculptor, Suresh grew up watching his father at work and, it is at his feet that that the young boy was introduced to the fascinating world of art.
His inborn talent, a childhood spent in rural Kerala and later- day training as an art student at Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath in Bangalore for a BFA followed by a MA in Art and Design from the University of Bedfordshire, Lutin, UK are all reflected in hissensitive work.Deft brushstrokes in thick and thin paints, the interplay of light and the ability to convey perspective, mystery and texture is a reflection of Pushpangathan’s creativity and skill as an artist. Clearly apparent in his work is the influence of the Impressionists and the Post Impressionists particularly Claude Monet.
Pushpangathan’s latest body of work, ‘The Treasury of Tranquility’ echoes the peace and stillness of a childhood spent in the lap of nature. Days spent splashing in ponds amidst water lilies, watching colourful birds, butterflies and dragon flies, coffee plantations and banana groves are clearly the artist’s imagery for his canvas of serenity.