B-Bar celebrated its first Anniversary in India at New Delhi on 8th November 2013. The night also witnessed the launch of the very unique B-bar Wine Cellar. Bringing the wine culture to India and getting Indians more accustomed to the lifestyles of the French, the wine cellar promises to be every wine lover’s dream.
As the night progressed it embalmed the audiences with many surprises. The night witnessed celebrated Dj Ravin from Buddha Bar, Paris transport the guest to a world of melodies and rhythms. Exotic dancers enthralled the audiences while later into the night guests danced to popular Bollywood numbers. The night was well attended by the who’s who of Delhi’s social circle Mr. Kunal Lalani, Magandeep Singh, Vimi Lalani, Manish Yadav, Thenny, to name a few.
During the anniversary week B-bar also promises a volley of exciting offers valid until 16th November where guests get a complimentary bottle of wine on purchase of one and the same offer is valid for a single glass. Talk about extended celebrations!
B-bar’s Wine Cellar also proudly showcases a collection of over 300 labels, all carefully handpicked to harmoniously blend in with the delicious array of spices used in the pan-asian cuisine. Wines from every wine producing country except China are showcased. Fine and rare collection of vintage champagne, big format champagne, 1855 Bordeaux classified cru wines all the first growths, Grand Cru Burgandies, Super Tuscans, Barolos, barberserco and unique elegant labels make the wine cellar unique in town.