The musical extravaganza is an original piece of theatre, created and directed by the creativity of the multitalented Viraf Sarkari, Director, Wizcraft International Entertainment.
On the screening of his premier
Viraf Sarkari commented, ”It was an exciting and challenging journey of almost 3 years creating, producing & directing Jaan-E-Jigar, I am very thankful on behalf of wizcraft to Dubai Parks & Resorts for providing the biggest Bollywood musical stage for the screening. Jaan E Jigaar is being staged at the world’s 1st Bollywood Park at Dubai parks & resorts.”
Set in the royal town of Ishqabad, this musical extravaganza will take you through the fantasy tale of two brothers named Jaan and Jigar, in a classic story of good vs. evil written by Kausar Munir.
Audiences are in for an awe inspiring experience featuring the latest technology, coruscating stage lights, amazing visual displays, the majestic glimpses of the royal town, traditional costumes by renowned designer
Neeta Lulla, choreography by talented
Shaimak Dawar &
Glen D’mello & Art Direction by
Omung Kumar make “Jaan E Jigar”, a unique and biggest theatrical show promising a brilliant visual treat.
‘Jaan E Jigar’ premiere at the Dubai Parks& Resorts will be attended by a few Bollywood and Dubai celebrities.