Wizcraft Entertainment Agency conceptualised the inaugural edition of Ashtalakshmi Mahotsav, a grand cultural showcase celebrating the rich heritage and creative brilliance of Northeast India which took place at Bharat Mandapam in the capital. At the heart of this event was the ‘Ashtalaxmi Designer Conclave’, an initiative that brought together emerging designers from the North Eastern Region (NER) and renowned global fashion experts. The conclave fostered collaboration and innovation, aiming to propel Northeast Indian design onto the international fashion stage by bridging the gap between local talent and global trends.
Inspired by the eight Northeastern states, often called the ‘Ashtalakshmi’ of India, Wizcraft crafted the event to reflect the region’s unique identity. The golden muga silk of Assam, Nagaland’s intricate weaves, Meghalaya’s bamboo artistry, and other cultural treasures from the Northeast were seamlessly integrated into the event’s narrative, creating a mesmerising celebration of artistry, tradition, and cultural pride.
At the heart of the celebration was ‘Purvi’, a symbolic mascot representing the hopes, dreams, and resilience of the Northeast. More than just a figure for the event, Purvi became the soul of the Ashtalakshmi Mahotsav, serving as a unifying emblem of progress and potential. In a proud moment, Purvi was presented to Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the grand opening, encapsulating the spirit and aspirations of the region.
The event also brought to life the vision of Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, who advocated for showcasing the Northeast through its rich history and as a dynamic region brimming with vibrant culture and forward-thinking energy. The Ashtalakshmi Mahotsav stood as a powerful testament to the Northeast’s cultural heritage and bright future, offering its artists, designers, and craftspeople a platform to shine on the global stage.