A successful wedding photographer understands the power of referral marketing and uses it effectively.
When it comes to finding clients it is not always about just finding a large number of clients. It becomes increasingly important to find clients that are a good fit for you and your business. You want couples that love your work, style, and personality.
When a couple finds your wedding photography business through a recommendation from a friend, they are more likely to trust that friend than from reading reviews from strangers.
After referrals from friends or family members come referrals from vendors such as planners and venues. You can try to get referrals from all sorts of vendors and it works well.
Marketing can mean everything from having a website to utilising paid advertising. With a small business like wedding photography, it’s important to keep your overhead low. The lower your overhead the higher your profits.
When you think about your overall marketing strategy you’ll see that there are some elements that you’ll employ that will simply cost you time such as posting on social media. There will be other ones that cost you money such as if you do any paid advertising to show up in a google search. Others will cost you both time and money.
What do referrals cost you? The cost of referrals is really negligible because all it costs is for you to serve your clients well. If you provide a great client experience and do quality work, referrals are free.
Referrals increase as your business grows. The more years you’re in business the more potential referrals you have. Sometimes it might take a few years for that bridesmaid you connected with to be ready to hire you but we find that our referral base grows and has been a great source of work.