
Vodafone customizes prayer pocket book as a part of its 'Unlimited Sharing and Unlimited Caring' Campaign

Praying is an integral part of Ramzan and regular prayers are obligatory for the Muslim community in order to complete the Roza. Ramzan also teaches Muslims the ethos of sharing and caring. Vodafone has taken this opportunity and platform to connect with existing and potential subscribers. Keeping in mind the principles of Ramzan, Vodafone has customized a prayer pocket card which mentions the prayer timings for Ramzan and prayers for Sehari and Iftar. The pocket card includes special Ramzan offers under Vodafone's ‘Unlimited Sharing and Unlimited Caring’ campaign.

For Vodafone, the Idea of the Pocket card is to make the portability of the card convenient. People can refer to the card for prayer timings and offerings. This could create a strong recall value for the brand and its products and give the consumer an experience of personal connection with the brand. 

Vodafone's adoption of this experiential marketing strategy is an example of the growth of this type of marketing in the country. The motive is to distinguish the brand amongst competition. This campaign aims to bring up positive feelings in the minds about the brand and create a loyal customer base.

Vodafone is distributing the pocket cards, through retailers, in Vodafone stores and at Mosques. Vodafone is also organising Iftar parties for retailers to ensure maximum campaign reach.

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