After completing two years in Delhi/NCR with 5 theme based mystery games, Mystery Rooms has announced launch of their new “Real Life Escape Game”, “The Kon of Kohinoor”, at its Gurgaon outlet. Ever imagined yourself in the fancy power-packed Bollywood robbery flick or stunt filled Hollywood theft drama? Its your chance to play a gang of thieves and plan that perfect robbery of the precious Kohinoor diamond kept under high security in a British museum. Can you make it out with the diamond in 60 minutes? Mystery Rooms new track Kon of Kohinoor is all set to bring out a thief in you.
Mystery Rooms is a challenging race against the clock where the sole motive is to get yourself out of a mysterious room before time kicks you! Imagine being locked in a thrill space with your team and you have exact 60 minutes to use logic, solve puzzle, find hint, and prove the power of team work to pave your path to freedom. The experience is very unique and thrilling, but not at all dangerous and it does not contain any horror element. It requires no physical exertion and is suitable for ages 10-77. It is an exciting team-building activity for corporates and a fulfilling fun experience for couples, friends and families.
The ‘Real Life Escape Games’ require players to form a team, minimum of 2, and use their detective skills to solve inventive puzzles, mysteries and escape from an enclosed theme based room within a set time. Game, which lasts for 60 minutes, simulates the sensation of real life adventure.
The concept of gaming room was started by three adventure enthusiast and gaming geeks who came together to give their expertise and experience for transformation of their dream to reality.
Sapna Bhutani, co-founder, Mystery Rooms said, “We are happy to bring this unique gaming concept to India. The whole idea was based on desire to bring something refreshing in the monotonous city life and was an instant hit. With wonderful feedback and appreciating reviews everywhere, it soon became No.1 attraction in Delhi on Tripadvisor”.
She further added, “Based on the responses & reviews, Mystery Rooms will further expand its presence all over India with diversified adventure games. Currently, we have 4 exciting games at Rajouri Garden Outlet and another 3 challenging mission with a dedicated area for team building games at outlet located in Gurgaon. Mystery Rooms also has its centre in Kolkata and soon we are spreading our wings in the beautiful city Chandigarh. The team aims at releasing at least one new track every 2 months and opening atleast 6 new centres in 2016”.
According to Sapna, customer-focused mentality is, gaming is restricted to the virtual world, but Mystery Rooms has gone many steps ahead by bringing “Real Life Escape Game” wherein the gamers can physically experience thrill and entertainment as it involves lot of thinking process and action.