
It's the people who make the difference affirms Siddharth Ganeriwala of award-winning agency Aura

What’s your story? How did all this begin?

I could say it all began when I started Aura. But a few years before that I was handing events and large scale expositions – Moneywise, Women’s World and the like. They were the largest of their kind for the times. I went on to handle Rajni25, an event that marked 25 years of the Superstar in films - that drew about 1 Lakh pax back in ’99 and was also managing the Largest South Film awards along with large corporate events, and then I decided to begin Aura.

So life gave you a primer before you began your firm?

I had by then figured out exactly how I wanted to handle events – not just as a vendor providing lights, sound and catering services, but to be viewed as a partner to the Marcom Division – an equal stakeholder as Advertising was.
What would you say were your core areas of expertise in the beginning?
2002, Aura’s year of inception was when the groundswell of MNCs trying to establish themselves in the Indian markets began. So right from day one, we were exposed to a global perspective on events. We began with a series of launches for various MNCs, so in a way you could say that was and in a manner still is our core strength. Over the years we have perfected the art of brand and service launches and this has been our mainstay to this day.

So you hit the ground running in a manner of speaking. What came next?

Once we earned the clients’ trust, it was just a matter of time when they felt confident enough to entrust us with other events too– like Employee Engagement Days, Family Days, Space Design, Protocol events and such like. Our portfolio of clients has over time grown to include many of the Fortune 100.

I notice you used the word ‘trust’. Is that critical when it comes to events?

Trust is critical in any relationship but even more so when it comes to events. Simply because execution/production is an area where the client has to wait and watch till the last moment. And then truly there can be no going back or room for error. If we let him down, we can be pretty sure that he will never engage us again!

So regardless of the nature of events you handle, it is your past performance which is your true calling card?

This is why we are proud of the fact that we have been in the business for the past one and a half decades. That reality is our Main Award.

Tell us a bit more about your recent haul.

It does make me very happy that our work has been recognized by the Industry’s main body, but what makes me happier is that we have won not just one or two categories but across a spectrum of verticals– as diverse as CSR, Employee Engagement Day, Dealer Events, MICE and event Sports! That’s a pretty satisfactory representation of our skill set. And full credit should go to my team and the world-class processes that have been put in place to make such a possibility a reality.

How has Aura evolved over the years?

Whatever the potential of the market out there, it’s the people who make the difference. I have always believed in that and have stood by it. My team has been handpicked by me and it’s been a combination of luck, forethought and strategy that we have a work culture that is at par with international standards – that’s not entirely my opinion. It’s the feedback our multinational clients give us. Our turnaround time and our willingness to extend ourselves to get that last request in despite the lateness of the demand have stood us in good stead. The systems and processes that we have put in place have helped us up our game. Aura has always been an ‘early adopter’ of technology. This has helped us evolve and keep pace with the rest of the world.

Do you undertake any international events?

We do. Most Indian companies are holding their events in foreign locales these days. Today, it’s a world with without boundaries so our vendors, technology consultants and artists come from all over- New York, Sydney, Europe, and this free flowing global interaction has had a positive influence on our people’s work ethic as well. Holding an event abroad no longer holds the kind of awe that it used to as recently as even six or seven years ago. Digitalization and social media has erased all differences between countries and cultures now. It has truly become one world, even more so in the event space.

So what do you think Aura’s future looks like?

To borrow a cricketing phrase, awards-wise, we are still to open an account in the Space Design and Protocol Events categories – so we definitely are keen to do edgier, more innovative work in these areas. We will also be opening up to more Sports and Entertainment, MICE, Events for the Government. Will have to wait and watch how they will all pan out however. Lifestyle is another segment which is moving into our radar currently, with the growing purchasing power of the middle-class and up-market segments combined with the proliferation of elite international lifestyle brands in the watches and accessories categories. With a new team in place to cater to these categories Aura hopes to make a considerable impact both in India and abroad.

That sounds like quite an agenda! Here’s wishing your team and you all the very best.

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