Evolution is unavoidable. Technology is inevitable. Since early 1990’s, we’ve not only seen technology advancement exploding, but witnessed it becoming part of our lives. Today, technology somehow plays a part in every bit of work we do and conversations we have. The same is true for events. Every event, be it a wedding, corporate or entertainment, technology plays a key role in engaging and amusing audiences.
It has become really important to understand and master the usage of technology in social events. Factors like light, video, AV, graphics and mapping technologies extensively affect the outcome of any event. Recently, an informative session was held during ACE 2014 event in Ahmedabad, at YMCA convention center on 12th September, 2014, on the usage of latest technology in events. During the session title ‘Technology: Spinal Cord of the Event’, industry experts and technology providers shared their views on how important technology is for any event.
There is no denying the fact that technology impact on any event is noticeable and is only likely to increase in the future. What we have today is visually and aurally better than what it may have been a decade ago. The effects that technology provides today has the ability to evoke instant response from the audiences. However, this does not mean that technology has taken over the content. It is about striking a balance.
Aural is one of the most important sensory aspect of any event, bigger the size of a venue, bigger the challenges to provide uniform audio experience. The amount of electronics and accessories used at any event is just phenomenal, a contrast to what is visible to the audiences, which are a bunch of huge speakers. However, Warren D’souza – Founder, Sound.com says
“Never be intimidated by the size of a venue. Always plan ahead, plot a venue using technology and software, so every seat and every corner is covered. I call it democracy for listeners, be it the first seat or the last, everyone at an event has the right to hear quality audio equally. I plot 3D diagrams of a venue so every staff exactly knows what they need to do.”
Staff members who work on a project are key to successful events. At times, automation helps achieve that success, but still, equipment handling and placements are pivotal. Talking about equipment handling, Warren says, “95% of the times when a failure occurs during an event, it is due to human error, mishandling of equipments by staff. These speakers and electronics are built to last.”
Creativity is another aspect that is very important for technology providers. When faced with poor infrastructure, it is important to come up with creative solutions to achieve aural quality. Some of the factors that affect successful event in terms of technology are making use of top-notch equipment, safe rigging, good scaffolding, high-quality musical instruments and most importantly the right set of people who make it possible. Geometry of speaker placements and arrangements also play important part in getting an event right aurally.
Visual effects is yet another important factor that decides the outcome of an event. Event managers have increasingly been using latest technologies such as 3D mapping to take event experience to a new level. It is not only about displaying great visual effects, but it is about telling good stories through technology on a large scale. But, technologies are only as good as a venue. Visual technology, especially 3D mapping has been a hit with the event industry. Nitin Chowdhry – Founder & Creative Head, The One Film Co., says:
“95% of calls we get from clients ask for 3D mapping, it has become the must-have thing at events including weddings.”
Although new technologies can amplify the experience of an event, but, it is important for event managers to spend some time with the technology understanding it, how it works and how best it can be integrated to an event’s theme first, and how they can provide better solutions to their clients. Technology only helps a product make better, not salvage it. So, knowledge of technology is key in getting maximum creativity out of it.
Speaking on the use of ‘3D mapping’ technology in creating virtual 3D models of a to-be-constructed mall or a structure, Nitin says, it acts as a prelude to see and visualize what a structure may look like in the future.”
He further adds, “the most important thing for any technology company is ‘tech run’, like a home run in baseball, if your tech run is good then your show is good
Lighting forms the third most important sensory aspect of any event. Video mapping that was done in the London Olympics, where seats were beautifully lit up; it is the latest trending thing at large scale events, which brings the event alive.
At the same time, video is taking over lighting as large scale displays have started to appear in events. At the same time we’re increasingly making use of LEDs almost everywhere and almost in all events.
Viraf Pocha – Director, Landmark Productions, says:
“Although we are moving to LEDs, it is not true light. It has lots of advantages like there is no heating, no danger of fire, electricity consumption is very less, but it is not true light. So, any environment that requires true colours, LED may not be the best choice.”
However beautifully lighting may be done, using LEDs or near to natural light, storytelling is very important. The technology should not be the highlight of an event, but it should disappear while the content is being presented. If we take the example of a theatre, technology that enhances movie experience is a must, we don’t go through traffic, congestion and then pay an amount to just watch film, we could perhaps do that at home as well. But, it is experiencing content at a different level with the use technology that does not interfere, is what every event company should keep in mind.