
Event startup Fan-A-Gig uses crowdfunding model to organise concerts

How many times has it happened that we’ve madly hoped, prayed, for our favorite international artist or band to perform in India? How many times has it materialized ? How many times do concerts cancel right before the event date?

Remember the cancellation of Bryan Adams event in Delhi back in year 2011, Korn in Mumbai was cancelled in 2012, David Guetta in Bengaluru in 2017? None were cancelled because tickets were not sold. Variousrealities have scared Indian Music promoters from taking risks and bringingIndia’sfavorite International artists to perform live.

The idea of Fan-a-gig is simple. If they themselves are willing to pay to watch their favorite band perform in India, then there must be a few thousand more that would put money down for the same band? If yes, then the concept Fan-A-Gig will be a break through platform to revolutionize the whole live music scene in India!

All you have to do is go to, browse existing campaigns and vote for the one (or more) bands you love. Your support, your vote, will go a long way in making the dream come true.

Votes must reach the goal before Fanagig will take the next step.

If your favorite Indian or International artist is not in the on-going campaign list, then Fan-A-Gig gives you an option to create your own campaign.

Share campaigns through your social media, get other fans to vote and watch the magic happen.

Once there are sufficient votes, Fan-A-Gig then does the rest of the work for you.  After that, all you have to do is pay for your ticket and pack your bag for the concert of your dreams!

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