In a recent development that comes on the heels of launching its headquarters in New Delhi, the Event and Entertainment Management Association has appointed Gurmukh Singh as the association's first Director General. The selection process was undertaken by Wizcraft co-founder Sabbas Joseph who is also the reigning President of EEMA and Showtime founder Michael Menezes, EEMA's first president and a member of its advisory board.
Gurmukh comes with 20+ years of experience of being an entrepreneur and a corporate head honcho. In his corporate life, Gurmukh has worked with companies like Microsoft, Cisco, Intel & WD.
On the EEMA West front, a similar initiative has taken wings. Shweta Chadha, a former event industry professional has been appointed as Regional Manager. She will be undertaking the following responsibilities in her new role:
Sabbas Joseph commented, "While the NEC and NAC have always played a stellar role in shaping the way EEMA functions, we have all felt the need for a dedicated professional team to manage the organisation’s work so that EEMA is a living, breathing and constantly marching forward organisation. I am sure with these steps we have paved the way for a new chapter of EEMA. The EEMA office in Delhi is nearing completion and the fully-quipped administration will take charge at the earliest."