
GuestList4Good concert will "bring the love back"- Shailendra Singh

The cause of GuestList4Good is to educate children. How have past events helped you achieve this objective?

This our the third Guestlist4Good event. Our firestarter was – at the time –World #1 Hardwell, who agreed to return to India and perform for free, so that we could use the money raised from the event to educate 18,200 children. 100,000 fans joined us that day to support us and show their love for Hardwell. In our second event with the new World #1 DJ – just one month after he was crowned – we entertainment 50,000 on ground and educated another 10,000 children on Magic Bus. 

You could also raise funds through ticketing, why a free event?

We aim to bridge the gap between the artists and their fans. Give them a direct line of communication. Beside donating their performance to education, that artist performs for free so that they can thank the fans who have loved and supported them by putting them on their personal guestlist, to attend the show for free. However, in the last few years, we’ve had a lot of questions and comments from fans, asking ‘what more can we do to support the cause?’ So this year, we have given them a chance to attend the show AND make a difference by contributing to a donor pass. The money goes to Magic Big, and the fan gets to be a part of the biggest entertainment-for-good event on the planet. 

How have your initiatives impacted lives besides raising funds for educating underprivileged children?

We’ve revolutionised the whole experience. Found a better balance between commerce, creativity and cause, and it works for everyone involved. It’s next level entertainment, deepening the artist fan connect and it’s for a good cause. It’s bringing the love back in to entertainment! Because the artist performs for free, and we turn over all profits to Magic Bus, fans are seeing that they have the power to make a difference with every choice they make. They want to join the movement and support us. 

Through your initiatives you work with several brands to help them achieve their CSR goals. What is the trend you notice among brands?

There’s a 2% regulation, but there is also a growing desire to give back. We can all see that the world has never been more divided, and we want to make a difference. We give brands the chance to fulfil their 2%, make a difference to a real problem here in India – the 84 million Indian children that do not go to school – AND we thank them for doing it by celebrating with a record breaking show! How cool is that?

The concept of GuestList4Good is very unique. What according to you is your USP?

Uniting the world of music and entertainment, IN India; FOR India. Rebalancing creativity, commerce and cause to make a positive social just by doing what we all love to do. Our main USP? Bringing the love back!

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