A three-day series of rituals will take place starting 11 January, 2025 at the Ayodhya Ram temple to commemorate the first anniversary of the consecration of the Ram Lalla idol. On 11 January, at 12:20 pm, the Ram Lalla idol will be anointed, followed by a grand aarti, as per the Hindu calendar, on ‘Paush Shukla Dwadashi.
The 'pran pratishtha' (consecration) ceremony at the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Temple was conducted on 22 January last year. Millions of people watched the ceremony on television from their homes and local temples, celebrating the historic occasion.
Champat Rai, General Secretary, Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra, informed that seers who were unable to attend the consecration last year will be invited to participate in the upcoming ceremony.
Arrangements have also been made to allow the general public to join in, both inside and outside the temple complex.
Rituals will take place at five different locations to mark the consecration. The second and third events will be hosted at the Yajna Mandap and the pilgrim facility centre within the temple complex, respectively.
A program will be organised at Angad Tila for the general public. However, Rai stated that only invited guests will be allowed to attend the events within the temple complex.
He also mentioned that festivals like Ram Navami, Janmashtami, and Vivah Panchami are celebrated in line with the Hindu calendar.