Women Empowerment At Forefront Of 4th Bharat Soka Gakkai Symposium

The symposium titled, “Breaking Barriers: Women Shaping a New Society for the Dignity of Life” held at the BSG headquarters on 26 June, threw light on how women are contributing towards changing the narratives in society

With the aim of breaking gender barriers and moving towards a more peaceful society, Bharat Soka Gakkai, an organisation promoting peace, culture, education and sustainability, organised a women’s symposium on 26 June.

The symposium titled, “Breaking Barriers: Women Shaping a New Society for the Dignity of Life” held at the BSG headquarters, threw light on how women are contributing towards changing the narratives in society, thereby creating and influencing a new, and progressive society. It also explored how women with resilience, courage and conviction are breaking down barriers and shaping a more just and equitable world.

The speakers included Prof. Bijayalaxmi Nanda, Principal – Miranda House College, University of Delhi; Rita Jairath, Director – Ritambe Nutrition (Proksham), Chief Safeguarding & Child Safety Officer, AIFF IFBB PRO Athlete & International Judge; Archana Dutta, Social Entrepreneur, Co-Founder & CEO, Pedal On and Founder CEO, Second Act; and Namrta Bangia, Senior Director, Global Mass Transit, AV America and Southeast Asia Infrastructure.

Rashi Ahuja, Director, BSG welcomed the speakers and attendees at the symposium. She said, “Our gathering today celebrates the profound impact of women in transforming societal norms and structures to uphold human dignity. We, as women, have shattered countless glass ceilings, defied limitations, and carved our own paths. The esteemed guests and speakers today are a testament of this ongoing journey.”

In her keynote address, Prof. Nanda shared that “Breaking barriers and supporting women to develop to their fullest potential requires us to focus on creating an enabling community network dedicated to the values of equity, empowerment and empathy.”

Jairath said, “Each life lived with conscious awareness to bring about a paradigm shift in areas such humanity may evolve and that the quality of life for the more vulnerable people can be enhanced, adds to the collective consciousness of the universe. What we do to achieve that vision is secondary and just an instrument.”.

Dutta spoke about the need for women to lead and inspire others. She said, “I am proud to be a woman breaking barriers and shaping a society built on dignity and respect. I encourage all women to embrace their strength and courage, to rise and lead, and to inspire others. Together, we can create a future where every woman thrives.”

Bangia said “What's in the psyche of successful women that allows them to break through their self-doubt? I believe it is their focus on building courage. High-achieving women take firm steps to move forward, even while struggling with fears, self-esteem and self-confidence.”

Vishesh Gupta, Chairperson, Bharat Soka Gakkai delivered the closing remarks. He spoke about the need to continue incorporating the unique voices of women to build more resilient societies. He said “Crucial to tackling complex global issues lies in incorporating the unique voices and diverse perspectives of women. By doing so, we can build societies with resilience, strength and flexibility to overcome any challenge.”

Pedal On also presented a display showcasing the work of empowered women.

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