When planning a wellness event, it is all about generating and capturing the energy of the people who are participating, and the ones we wish would participate. Once you have decided the kind of event you want to organise, set your intention right, said your affirmations, and have a rough plan in mind, its time to set out to finalize the finer details that will help make your event a success. Confused? Don’t be, let me help you out. My venture, Thriive Art and Soul has organised a number of wellness events, and here are a few things that help us every time.
Identify your target group: The first step, always, is to identify the kind of people we want to reach out to and attract. This helps in deciding a theme, streamline all the collaterals, designing marketing and advertising posts, and give the entire event a look and feel that resonates with the target group.
Look at venue options: When deciding a venue, there are a number of factors, other than availability, that you need to consider. First of all you need to decide whether you need an indoor space or an outdoor one. This will depend on your target audience and theme of the event. Sizes, accessibility, vibe of the place are other things you need to keep in mind.
Scheduling the event: Depending on the length of your event, you will have to schedule it. If there multiple workshops or events within the main event, you will have to draft a realistic schedule of the flow. Keep in mind to allow time for meals and refreshments.
Design enough collaterals: The key to reaching the most number of people when advertising about your event is to spread the word through various mediums. Engage all possible platforms and design collaterals accordingly. Make sure that all your collaterals tie-up with the bigger theme of your event.
Blueprinting: I am a big believer that we need to will things into being, and for me the best way to set things in motion is to create a blueprint. It is nothing but documenting all the details and locking on the flow of the event. Speakers, activities, micro-events, workshops - everything once decided needs to be added to the grand schedule so everyone working on the event is on the same page.